domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012

Creative Writing. Workshop N°4


Chilling tales of an erthquakes survivor of the 27-F

                                       A report by Luz Catalán

After more than two years the big earthquake that struck Chile in February 2010, we can still feel the fear of the victims.

Now, we know Patricio, a young man of only 21, who lives with his elderly grandmother, who still cannot forget that night. Patricio's story is poignant, and his voice cracks at times to tell us how his grandmother, because of her strong deafness was not aware of anything when the 8.8 magnitude earth strucked.

Patricio also tells the story of how he hit his head on the toilette, as he was washing his feet  in the bathroom at the moment the earthquakes struck.

Fortunally none of them got injured, although their apartment was completely destroyed. Patricio tells, also with some joy in his eyes, that at least he still has his toilette.

This crude survival story teaches us to appreciate life,  our five senses and our feet clean.

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