domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012

Creative Writing. Workshop N°3


Reporter: Luz Catalán
Interviewee: Patricio Perez
Scene:  Concepción, Chile
Date:    February, 27th, 2010
Event:   Earthquake

Good Morning Patricio, How do you do?
I´m still in shock, this was so hard

Plaese, tell us, Where were you in the moment of the earthquake?
I was in the bathroom, when it happened

Were you alone?
No, I was with my grandmother

Can you tell us, the exact time?
Sure, I was washing my feet and suddenly, I felt a the floor moving violently, and I hit my head on  the toilette, after that I ran toward my grandmother, who was watching television.

So, She hadn´t noticed anything?
No, because she is  very deaf, so I took her and we ran outside

So, it could be said that you are survivors of this terrible event?
Yes, because my house is totaly destroyed, I onlyhave my toilette

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