lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

Creative writing Workshop N°9

Play:  " Misunderstandings"

Character 1: Cherry
Character 2: Enzo
Wonder Woman: Luz
Cop: Marco

Scene 1   (Knock, knock. Cherry opens the door)

Cherry: Enzo! You're finally here! Please, come in.
Enzo: What happened? You seem worried in your message.
Cherry: I'm dying man! I've got cancer!
Enzo: No! This is terrible. (Grabs Cherry's shoulders)
Cherry: I've got just six months left.
Enzo: You know what!  We will do anything you want to do in theses six months! Do you have any idea?
Cherry: Hmmmm... You know... I've always wanted to do drugs.
Enzo: Oh! That escalated quickly! Alright! I'll buy it for you. What do you want?
Cherry: I want to try coke. Get me some coke man! (Cherry gives Enzo some money)
Enzo: I'll buy it for you! I'll be right back.

Scene 2 

Cherry: I'm so nervous. But it doesn't matter. I have just six months left of life and I wanna try coke. (Knock, knock)

Scene 3   ( Enzo is wearing a back pack)

Cherry: Did you bring the coke?
Enzo: Here it is!
(Enzo drags from his backpack a bottle of coca-cola)
Enzo: So... are we getting high?
(Cherry slaps Enzo with the bottle)
Cherry: This is not coke! This is coca-cola. Are you stupid or what?!
Enzo: Calm down! Relax man! Can you think in anything else?
Cherry: I'm running out of money so you can't waste it!
Enzo: Don't worry. This time won't screw it! I won't do anything stupid.
Cherry: Well. I could smoke some pot. (Gives Enzo money) Go bring me the pot!
Enzo: As you wish!

Scene 4

Cherry: What an imbecile! At least I will smoke some pot.

Scene 5   (Knock, knock)

Cherry: You're finally here. Did you bring me the pot?
(Enzo drags a pot from his backpack)
Enzo: Here you have, a brand new pot just for you!
Cherry: Cherry stares at Enzo vary angrily)
Enzo: So... Do you like the pot?
Cherry: No! No! No! Nooooo!  Hell no! Is this some kind of joke?
Enzo I don't know man... I got nervous and...
Cherry: I don't care! I'md dying you careless bonehead!
Enzo: Ok! Ok! Name anything! Just name it! I'll bring it to you! I'll not disappoint you!
Cherry: This is all the mone I've got. You screw it and I'm broke.
Enzo: What do you want?
Cherry: Heroin. Bring me heroin and please, don't screw it up.
Enzo: I'll bring you the best heroin!
(Enzo sets off running)

Scene 6

Cherry: (Praying) God! I've got just six months left to live, I've got no money left and have a stupid friend. Please, let me try heroin.

Scene 7   (Knock, knock)

Cherry: Please, tell me you got the heroin.
Enzo: Brace yourself buddy! Meet the heroin!
(Luz enters disguised as Wonder Woman)
Cherry: (fell down to his knees) No! Why?! Why?? (covers his face with his hand while crying)
Enzo: (Taps Cherry's back) Don't worry buddy. I brought something else.
(Cops get into the room)
Cops: So you were who was trying to buy coke, pot and heroing! You will be locked down for six months you sick bastard!

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